
Lip enhancement procedures can add fullness to thin lips, decrease wrinkles around the mouth and improve lip contour. Adding volume to the lips with injectable fillers can restore a youthful fullness that has been lost with age or it can enhance lips that have always been thinner than desired.

The goal of lip enhancement procedures is to enhance the features of the lip that make them beautiful and youthful. Lip enhancement procedures performed by our Practitioner will add volume to the lips while maintaining the appropriate contour and balance.

Every patient has different goals for lip enhancement, and our Practitioner has the experience and expertise to know how much and where to inject each filler to provide a natural result to accomplish those goals.

Lip Filler Injections:

Add volume to deflated lips
• Define the borders and shape of the lips
• Soften “lipstick” lines
• Reverse downturned corners of the mouth
• Provide more red lip show